Cycle of art
My work get ordered from time to time, get into new values of being. Using artworks as a material to go to new dimensions. Cycle of...
Dominik Lipp
What I do, can be art.
My work get ordered from time to time, get into new values of being. Using artworks as a material to go to new dimensions. Cycle of...
"Head of plaster", 2003. It is aging outside. "Body in plaster as a bust", 2005. The performance has been interruptet. The concrete show the negativ, the "down-under-world". I exposed it at the river. Hopefully the city has taken it into the public art...
New Values. “Bildrollen” are a further processing of my paintings, everything is in the circular flow- The cycle of art. My goal to do this, is to order my stuff to give new values. The stripes of canvas are 5cm width , totally about 200meter canvas on a "Bildrolle" with...
Cycle from paintings to new objects. I stopped to paint from 2002 till 2006, then I used my paintings to create big cases till they applicate on concrete and remain them to new objects. My own works comes among myself. And now I use them for working again among myself......
"8x8 Cycle". I cutted the painting "8x8 weil ich gerne Schach spiel", 2006, Oil on wood, 320x320cm into stripes of 2cm. In a further processing I use the stripes to give new values into new cunstructed paintings and performances. Cycle of art. "8x8 Cycle". Das Bild "8x8 weil...